

Monday, January 4, 2016

If I hear that question one more time, I may cry. Dealing with the government for this move has been an eye opener. I seriously want to throw my arms around military wives, bake them all cookies, and send them a case of wine for dealing with this on the regular. 

Hopefully, we will have a date this week or next week. I'm trying to stay positive and remind myself that this just gives us longer to be here (and gives me more of a chance that I'll be here when my BFF has her son), but it's very draining on us emotionally and mentally. I know this is so whiney of me to say... "Boo hoo! We're moving to Europe and we are so sad because we don't have a date yet and are getting to spend time with our families instead!"  Go ahead, mentally punch me in the face. 

Anyway, I've been working on purging what I can for now and selling a few things, but we've mostly decided to donate everything that we don't use or need. We are both border-line hoarders and we're using this move to try to become minimalists! I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing earlier this year and I'm going to try to follow most of Marie Kondo's guidelines for purging. If nothing else, I'm just going to chunk everything and buy new clothes at H&M when I get there because we have TWO in the town we're moving to! Such luxury. Much spending. 

If you don't already, follow my sell page on Instagram (@amberisdecluttering) to keep an eye out for things we are selling before the move! 

I'll try to stay on top of keeping this blog updated as we know more! Sorry if things read a little disjointed and stilted. I haven't blogged in AGES! Not regularly since the Myspace/RebmaEiram days! ;)
Hopefully, things will get smoother as time goes by! 

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